Nikocado Avocado, did he have Gastic Sleeve surgery?

YouTuber Nikocado Avocado Reveals Surprise 250 Pound Weight Loss


8/31/20242 min read

Nikocado Avocado

Most of them were shocked on social media after they saw the result and the big difference she has in her body, and then they started a lot of questions is there already a stomach reduction operation ( gastric sleeve )done in Turkey?

Nikocado Avocado, who has 3.9 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, began his latest video—entitled “Two Steps Ahead”—wearing a panda costume head. But this wasn’t his typical “muckbang” video. Instead, Avocado seemed to guac his fans’ worlds with what he then said and did. After removing the panda head, Avocado revealed how things about him haven’t exactly been “black and white.”

Avocado, who is Ukrainian-American and has declared himself as the “King of Mukbangs,” had indicated that he weighed 359 pounds in a YouTube video seemingly from earlier this year. Keep in mind the word “seemingly.” Avocado wasn’t the originator of the whole “mukbang video” thing and there is no official mukbang royalty. The mukbang trend had originated in South Korea but has since spread kind of worldwide. Such videos feature people eating large amounts of food on camera like the last video before the “Two Steps Ahead” one uploaded on Avocado’s YouTube channel seven months ago. That one showed him feasting on a mountain of spicy cheesy fire noodles.

Perry has been making videos on YouTube for more than seven years and when he first started had a much slender physique, at least compared to his appearance in his penultimate video, shared just three months ago, where he said that he had “quit his weight loss journey.”

However, Perry was pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes and in a new video shared on 7 September showed off a new look, having apparently shed 17st (250lbs) in weight in just a matter of months.

The shocking video, called ‘Two Steps Ahead’, which has already had more than 3 million views at the time of writing, starts with Perry wearing a panda head and while in character, tells viewers: “I am always two steps ahead.”

He adds: “This has been the greatest social experiment of my entire life. It’s worrying, it’s compelling, it’s gripping to observe all these unwell, disorientated beings roam the internet in search of stories, ideas, rivalries where they feel encouraged, engaged.”

Perry continued to say that he had now woken up from a “very long dream” where he had lost “250 pounds off his body.”

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